SENATE OF SERAMPORE COLLEGE (University) DEGREES AWARD CEREMONY was held recently on the 20th April at 3.00 pm under the auspices of CHRISTIAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF SRI LANKA located at Maruthanarmadam, Chunnakam.
This was the first instance in the annals of the 40 year old Seminary to hold such an event, organised and executed to its satisfaction by the current Principal of the CTS, Rev. A. Kamalakumaran. The event hosted about 300 people from congregations across major denominations in the North and East, including those who successfully completed the Diploma in Christian Studies (Dip.C.S.), Bachelor of Christian Studies (B.C.S.), Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.) by registering through CTS, coached by its educated teaching Staff, conducting classes both face-to-face and online over 3-4 years in duration based on the eligibility of the candidates for admission and registration for the above programs. Thirty-three graduates in total received the Senate of Serampore Degree certificates on that day. They have been working in variety of professional contexts, mostly teachers, and hence well equipped to contribute to the enhancement of Christian faith of a large number of children in schools, church Sunday schools and other gathering for instruction.
The Seminary, under the auspices of Lay training program over two years, has also trained a number of lay leaders from local congregations. Among them ten received the Seminary ‘Certificate of Recognition’ which entitles them to assist pastors as well as to preach and lead worship services in the absence of pastors.
The highlights of the event included the address delivered by the Chief Guest, Rev.Sujithar Sivanayagam, General Secretary of the National Christian Council of Sri Lanka (NCC-SL), in which he emphasised the importance of ‘ecumenical spirit of the CTS in its work’ and ‘educating the students to think and act theologically’ and ‘enhance the faith of the Christian communities’ and he commended the contribution of CTS in theological education over the years.
The members of the ‘Seminary Governing Council’ and the 33 recipients of degrees adored the event with their official gowns and the 10 Lay leaders in white saris. Mr Thavaranjit, senior lecturer at the University of Jaffna and member of the Council honoured the degree holders wearing the Medal.
Dr. Prince Jeyadevan, Secretary of the Council welcomed the gathering and the successful candidates. The CACM Chairperson Rev. A. S. Thevagunananthan gave away the official certificates to each of them. The participation of the past CACM Chairperson Rev. T. Thevanesan offered a special prayer. The event was solemn and well conducted, and all the invitees were entertained with a high tea afterwards.